Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Alright, so I have to write a blog about a large project that I'm undertaking because I want to. Granted, I probably wont finish, but IT'S STILL IMPORTANT TO LEARN THIS.

*Coughs and straightens tie*

Anyways, I am a story telling fanatic. I love telling stories. Obviously, if this was a writing blog most people would exit immediately under the pretense of

So obviously that's out the window
However I can do whatever I want in this project, and I'm still going to focus on telling stories, but not in the way that involves wall upon wall of text.
You may ask yourself; how is this possible? Is this a film blog?
The answer is no.I can't operate a camera are you crazy? Plus actors, mics, a set, the fact it costs approximately more than seven dollars . . .  its all just too much. Besides, whats cooler than a story where you can control the actions of the main character?I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THESE

No, what I'm talking about is something far more interesting to even the most feeble of minds.


My journey will be one where I learn to make them! Because what is cooler than a story where YOU control the main character? The answer is nothing. If you can name anything cooler, it is easily refuted by the fact that at any time I can add that cooler thing into the game because- oh wait- Its my game! So yes, let us embark on a journey into the world of game design. Everything from 3D modeling to the nitty-gritty of the code. So come with me, as we step into a blue police box and journey through time and space to go wherever we want to go. After we make it. When we get there. Eventually.

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