Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Peer Review and the word on the street about my project

So I guess it's time to get down to some  .

My "homies" have given me the "down low" on what they think of my topic.
My main question that will guide me on this quest of futility is "Through what wizardry is the making of video games possible?"

So, The results are in.

No but seriously
My "home slices" from my "'hood" have told me that there are a few things I need to look into.
First of all, both mention my need to learn how to code.
The program I plan on working with, Unity, supports three languages for coding. Said languages are Javascript, C#, and Boo. Most prefer to use C# due to its structure being related to that of Java, however I will probably be learning Javascript considering C# is a bi. . . t harder to learn.
Ill also need to focus on the whole 3D rendering aspect of game making so my games don't end up being another Grand Theft Auto gif.

But yeah, the peer review was pretty helpful so I'll keep what they said in mind while i make sure I don't end up doing what any of the above guys did. Or when I forcibly implement each of those as features. That works too.

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