Monday, January 26, 2015

Proof of Progress

Here's a quick environment explorer (Click it!) I whipped up.
You are a pill thing that runs around a weird grid with no purpose.
Like I said, progress,
even if its not much.

Unity web player needed


  1. Well, I don't know much about video games or coding or virtual/computer designing, but your blog seems to show that you do. Good luck on your project!

  2. Sweet dude, I'm totally going to want a finished version. Awesome colors by the way. At least there's one productive person here. But, yeah, looks super cool with that capital Q.

    Just one request:
    Gimme the GIFs

  3. Your video game/computer game/game thing you coded is looking really neat. I've always wanted to be a pill running around a grid without a purpose. Honestly though, this is totally going to be crazy cool when you finish. I'll definitely want to play it.

    And no, I will not learn JavaScript to help you with Unity and what not >.>
