Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Peers and Such

So I visited the blogs of some of my peers today.
The first I visited the blog of my kohai.
His blog studies the brain, how it functions, neuroscience, and the power of the gif. He has much research done on the brain, which is pretty "Dope Nasty" as the kids would say these days. He explains why we enjoy things such as the following:

The second blog i visited was that of an acquaintance on the robotics team learning to code

She's learning how to make a website by using HTML and CSS, although I may or may not have recommended she learn JavaScript FOR NON SELF INDULGENT REASONS

I also visited the blog of a classmate also looking into video games, although she is less focused on design and more on the characters inside them.
She is currently working on a top ten female game characters list, which is pretty cool. I may or may not have made a recommendation.

Anyways, Check the previous posts for more information on how the game is coming. Ill see you next week.

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