Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Learning. Ish.

So I began increasing my knowledge of JavaScript, mainly so I can avoid C#, despite the fact it is preferred over JavaScript much of the time. But, naturally all the C# tutorials were buried in videos of very monotone and boring people talking, or in walls of text I was too lazy to read because JavaScript was so readily available.

But yeah, progressing strong.ish. More progress will be made as we advance forth.


  1. This is a super cool project! I can't wait to see the end result!

  2. Argh, stupid computers don't let me put Mr. Gump on this. *insert sadpanda here*. At least all your stuff didn't get deleted like mine did... not that I really did a whole lot, but still! Anyways, enough annoying ranting. I expect to be one of the first to test your finished product, putting it out there.

  3. JavaScript is much better than C# as you said so I don't think your losing out on much for not sitting through those boring tutorials.
