Tuesday, March 10, 2015


So I revisited many of my peers for this project.
First was, Lia, who is working on raising money by selling friendship bracelets to help LGBT+ teenagers who are dealing with adversity in their homes or communities. If you would like to buy one, contact her at her blog here. Shes doing it or a good cause, so I'd support her if I were you.

So Kohai was up next. His gif game was particularly strong today. I applaud his majesty. He is learning well. Also, his brain studies are advancing at great speeds. If you want to know whats wrong with me, he's probably the guy to talk to
Anyways, next we have Sarah who is going to be the very best website designer

She is making great strides at her progress, and I would highly recommend checking her blog out.

Anyways, we're supposed to upload photos to our blog today.

Anyways, later!

1 comment:

  1. Very best web designer here. Thank you for such an honourable title, although I'm not sure I'm quite worthy of that....(I'm not George and never will be George, and George is the bestest programmy person out there)
    About your blog though... more JavaScript and stuff! It's fun to see your blog be so interactive (especially since yours truly can't figure out how to put JavaScript pop ups like yours...) Calm down on the gifs, man. Give us some pictures of your progress. Or cats. I like cats.
