Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Huge post of importance and such that's not actually important

Well I have some CRAZY news for you guys.
So after a lot of push and pull I can tone down my flailing from this

to this
I have recruited a small team for my project, which is awesome because now I'm no longer dependent on my own motivation. I have friends to aid me! If I fall, they will be there to pick me back up off the ground and move onto the next thing.

So. Introducing the team.
We have me as Project Director, working under the name of alterableAuxiliatrix

We have a good chap by the name of circumspectAmelioration as Code Director

And then we have EsotericPantologist as our Creativity Director

Anyways, now that I have the team assembled

We can finally get down to work on the master list

3D Modeling
A.      Characters
  The Jackal
  <<Fourth character of importance (Female)>>
  Extras for scenes
B.      Enemies
  At least 6 unique nonhuman enemy designs
一)  These can be recolored to signify higher tier versions
  Human enemies
一)  Slightly altered “Extras”, not that hard to do
C.      Mapping
  Not quite high priority at the moment. This is one of our later things
D.      Animations
  We make these as time goes on
A.      Flesh out melee system
  Finish Rowan’s combat mechanics
  Start Artemis combat mechanics
一)  Mana/ammo system
  Add scroll wheel selection for different attack modes
  Add mechanics for Jackal and <<FEMALE CHARACTER>>
一)  Unimportant right now
B.      Add Enemy AI
  Add basic AI for “basic” enemies
  Boss AI
  Enemy attacks and mechanics
C.      “Menuesque” Functions
  Save/load system
  Main menu
  Character select screen
  In game/ pause menu
D.      Cameras
  Mainly player camera
E.       Flesh out characters
  Health system
  Mammo (Mana ammo thing unique to Artemis [for now])
F.       Multiplayer functions
  Ignore for now
G.     There’s a lot more to go here I can’t think of it right now
A.      Themes
  Rowan’s Theme
  Artemis’s Theme
  Jackal’s Theme
  <<FEMALE>>’s Theme
B.      Battle Music
  Basic battle theme
  Boss battle theme
  Jackal Fight
  Final Fight
C.      Ambient music

  Like two or three ambient tracks for the “Overworld”

The priority system should probably be pretty intuitive
Time to get down to work

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